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Early education and childcare

The Families Information Service provide a free and impartial service which gives up to date and accurate information on Ofsted registered childcare.

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We can help you to find the most suitable childcare based on your requirements and also give you information on help you can get towards your childcare costs. 

Contact The Families Information service on 01642 527225 or

Funded childcare for families receiving certain government support

Find out if your child is eligible for 15 hours a week funded childcare during term time and how to apply.

30 hours funded childcare for working parents

Working parents of children aged 9 months up to 4 years old could be entitled for up to 30 hours funded childcare a week. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply.

30 hours funded childcare for foster carers

Foster Carers of children aged 9 months up to 4 years old are eligible for 30 hours funded childcare if they meet the eligibility criteria.

Early Years Pupil Premium

Your chosen school, nursery or childminder may also be able to claim additional funding through the Early Years Pupil Premium. This is to support your child's development, learning and care.

Nursery entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds

All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to a funded nursery place, of up to 15 hours per week.

Get help with childcare costs

View service and organisation listings relating to help with childcare costs.

Disability Access Fund

The Disability Access Fund supports disabled children's access to funded childcare for children aged 9 months to four years old. <SEND>

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